Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Adoption Photos!

Do you know what I love? Posting adorable photos from people who have adopted hamsters from the New York Hamster House.


Here's the new family who adopted Wally. Can you see how, surrounded by all this cuteness, he is in heaven?

Wally with his new mommy #1

Wally with mommy #2

Here are Cale and Ann, who were both adopted by an awesome lady from Brooklyn named Laura:

Cale Hoeflicker, who is not super healthy but who is VERY loved and happy

Lastly, Ann Richards, who continues to ROCK:)

Come on, adopters! Send in your photos. And if you already did and I forgot to post them, well... remind me! The hamsters are not so helpful with the remembering....

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Two ADORABLE Pics...

This first photo is probably six months old. I had to photoshop it and tweak it and make the colors all funny so that you could see what is happening.

A HAMSTER YAWN. I mean, come on. Who actually gets a photo of a hamster yawning?

Me, that's who:

This second one is my dear friend John, feeding some hummous to a little monster. Notice the teeny tiny pink tongue!

The cute is too much, and now I shall go and take a nap. Yawn!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Holy Hamster Implosion, Batman!

Apparently the way the New York Hamster House commemorates the Memorial Day holidays is by taking in about twenty new hamsters.

Two days ago, I would have said "twenty-one hamsters."

However, when I fed everyone last night, I found four new squirmy pink babies, meaning one of the hammies I took in was pregnant at the time and gave birth yesterday. So, I *think* I have twenty-five, but who knows. Maybe there will be more! (no, no, no!)

Anyway, I'm going to update the site tonight, but I wanted to give you all a sneak preview of the cute parade to come!

This is Terence, who lives with his cousin, Philip (see below).

This is Philip. He is a running machine!

This is Mercator, Latitide, and Longitude (mama and two babies).

This is the Sound of Music family--Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti and Deer :)

Here you can see four of the South Park gang (there are five total).

Anyway, the main site will be updated tonight will ALL the new hamsters, stories, etc. I think I have about forty-five now, so I need to start adopting these munchkins out and finding them forever homes. Help spread the word, please!