Monday, January 22, 2007

The Return of the Jedi--I mean, Hamster House :)

I know that the NYHH has been a bit incognito of late. But don't worry--despite our lack of web presence, we've had over twenty-five hamsters come in over the past month (and have adopted out between ten or fifteen).

Currently, the New York Hamster House has over twenty hamsters looking for homes. Syrians, dwarfs, male, female, young and old--we've got it all. Spread the word that we have hamsters looking for forever homes.

I'm realizing that the New York Hamster House needs help. Help with cleaning cages, doing data entry, and maintaining the NYHH website, the blog, and the petfinder site. I need to come up with a schedule, and figure out exactly what I need. And then I will be posting right here, looking for help. An intern, maybe, paid if I can swing it. If not, volunteers.

Step one is that I'm going to promote another Wilhelm Day, on Sunday February 4th from noon to 4pm. I'm inviting people over to adopt hamsters, to play with the ones I already have, and to help me do some hamster house work. Feel free to bring fresh veggie treats (for the hammies) or paper towels (to help clean the cages)... We can't wait to see you!

If you'd like to come to Wilhelm Day Part Two, send me an email and let me know. I'm happy to provide directions if you need them.

Founder, New York Hamster House


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