Tuesday, August 08, 2006

An Invitation to WILHELM DAY

You, dear blog reader, are cordially invited to the very first Wilhelm Day, to be held at the New York Hamster House, this coming Sunday August 13th from noon to 4pm.

All of the NYHH finest--that is, all our hamsters and gerbils--will be on display, happily sleeping and rolling around, eating, chewing, and playing.

Come if you want to adopt a hamster or gerbil. Come if you'd like to say hello, or make a donation, or bring a gift, or just play with the NYHH residents.

Hamster-friends are most welcomed, as are guinea pigs, gerbils, and mice :)

If you need directions, please email me and let me know where you are coming from and whether you need car or subway directions. I'll have crayons and paper on hand for kids who would like to make cards or pictures for the hamsters.

We can't wait to see you guys on our first Wilhelm Day.


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